Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The When
We're all addicted to something and to
Ourselves will quite often say,
"I'll battle this tomorrow when I have
More strength than I do today."
After years of mulling this over
Often twiddling my thumbs
I've come to the conclusion that
That tomorrow never comes.
Regardless how much we need the next day
To have to skills that are vast, one
Has to suck it up and accept that the truth is
It's pretty much like the last one.
Tomorrow (that sneaky bastard) can't help
And that desired assistance
Is forever doomed --- like the horizon --- to
Remain off in the distance.
But there's an upside to this grim reality
To swat away sweaty fear ---
Your best chance to fight whatever it is
That ails you is already here.
Everything happens today, so feel free
To unpack your sorrow
And accept there's no reason to wait to
Take big steps tomorrow.
Right now as you read this words, you can
(I hereby advise to you)
Stop smoking, overeating, drinking and-or
Whichever applies to you.
Whatever steps you choose to take are yours alone ---
You will figure out what they are and then
Do what's necessary. The Who, Where, What & Why
I can't provide but I can give you The When.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Chris Christie Allegedly Caused Four-Day Traffic Jam To Get Back At Jersey Pol For Not Endorsing Him
Would he really be this petty and vindictive?
Many have given a downward thumb to it.
His next explanation will be along the lines of,
"I'll gridlock that bridge when I come to it."
Conservative Writer Noel Sheppard Tells Readers “Spooning” Is A Sexual Position
As you can imagine, this remark generated quite a
Bit of derisive squawking about
His lack of knowledge --- he clearly doesn't know
What the fork he's talking about.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
One Of The Three PBS Stations That I Get Is In One Of The Most Drug-Infested Areas In America
In 2012, San Bernadino filed for bankruptcy:
Some say that the city is on its death bed ---
If I ran KVCR, I would put on a show called,
"Scrapbooking For The Modern Meth Head."
Friday, December 27, 2013
One Pussy Riot Member Was Forced To Have Daily Gynecological Exams In Russian Prison
The lesson to be learned here is pretty clear and
One might even call it conclusive:
If the band was called Elbow Riot, those exams
Would've been far less intrusive.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Federal Judge Strikes Down Utah’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban
For many Mormons, this has to be
The worst day of their lives
Since they believe marriage is only
Between a man & his wives.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Homeless Superman
At a traffic light, with last-minute Christmas presents
On the passenger seat beside me, I saw Superman
On the sidewalk rummaging through a garbage can.
The only thing missing was a handmade sign
That said, "Will Save The World For Food."
Hair greasy, face unshaven
He was recognizable because on his chest
Was the unmistakable "S" logo.
Great Caesar's ghost! Where was Perry White?
Or Jimmy Olson and Lois Lane?
From the trash, Superman fished out the remains
Of a gingerbread blended coffee in a Starbucks cup
But didn't even try to warm it up with his x-ray vision.
This reality seemed unimaginable
But new media like the internet has put old media
On the endangered species list.
Maybe Clark Kent got laid off after foolishly
Not taking the first buyout offer
When The Daily Planet was sold.
(Low readership, one could argue, is the
Newspaper business' version of kryptonite.)
Clark started at the paper in 1938, which suggests
He once enjoyed the warm embrace of job security.
The Fortress Of Solitude was surely bought and paid for
But if his x-ray vision was kaput,
He probably couldn't fly and clearly
Didn't have plane fare.
Suddenly feeling heroic, I parked my car, leaped out
Started running and yanked open my white button-down shirt
Which billowed behind me like a cape
As I raced off to rescue the planet's most famous superhero
Who was heading towards a dumpster behind a supermarket.
I knew this wasn't really Lex Luthor's sworn enemy.
He was just a down and out guy wearing a t-shirt
That conveyed an irony that was totally lost on him
Which was appropriate since he was totally lost.
I didn't find him
Outside Whole Foods
Or on the surrounding streets.
Like the real Man Of Steal
Homeless Superman vanished
Faster than a speeding bullet.
Monday, December 23, 2013
After Huge Case Of Stolen Customer Information, Target And Credit Card Companies Point Fingers
This should've resulted in a quick
And sincere mea culpa:
What we get instead is more along
The lines of theya culpa.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Mulling Over Widespread NSA Surveillance
Considering our addiction to social media
Where every private act is toasted
Is there anything left to be eavesdropped on
That hasn't already been posted?
Friday, December 20, 2013
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) Wants Poor Students To Work As Janitors In Exchange For Lunch
Mr. Kingston, when God gets wind of this
I imagine He'll be at war with you
And my guess is on Judgment Day that He
Is going to sweep the floor with you.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Possible New Direction For "Homeland"
Another country, another regime and another
Leader who's in freedom's way:
Brody could shoot but not dunk. This new spy
Is a guy who played in the NBA.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Boehner Rents An Apartment From A Lobbyist For The American Suntanning Association
I've long suspected John's ties to special interests
From things he's done and said ---
I didn't guess that this person he was in bed with
Would have his own tanning bed.
John McCain To Harry Reid: “I’m Gonna Kick The Crap Out Of You”
Honestly, that really wasn't a very diplomatic thing
For the senator from Arizona to have said:
They should hug it out & catch a matinee of the new
DeNiro and Stallone boxing movie instead.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
George Zimmerman Is Selling His Paintings To Pay Off His Legal Fees
I'd like some serious art critics to weigh in ---
If they don't volunteer, let's just recruit them
And if they write things that threaten George,
He can stand his ground again & shoot them.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Judge Who Sent Rich Texas Teen To Rehab For Killing Four In Car Crash Is (Conveniently) Retiring
Judy Boyd once sentenced a teen to fourteen years
For a death in a fistfight attack ---
For those of you keeping score, that adolescent
Wasn't rich but was definitely Black.
Newport Academy costs around a half million a year
To teach pampered punks etiquette:
It's opening four new branches next year in New York,
California as well as Connecticut.
Wealthy Texas Teen Who Drunkenly Killed Four People Didn't Wind Up Behind Bars But In Rehab
This reminds me of
Too big to fail:
File this one under
Too rich to jail.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
NASA Audit Discovers Google Execs Received Improper Discounts On Airplane Fuel
No matter in whatever way you may
Contrive it, let's
Admit it's a world of have-nots and
Have private jets.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Abercrombie & Fitch: “Overweight People Are Welcome!” (To Shop Online Only In Test Program --- Big Sizes Won’t Be Sold In Stores)
As far as segregation goes, one
Wouldn't call it Jim Crow
But it's not too much of a stretch
To refer to it as Slim Crow.
One Year After The Newtown Massacre
The nation's gun laws haven't tightened at all ---
Most Republicans are not down
With upsetting the NRA & made sure any reform
(Like those kids) was shot down.
"Inside Llewyn Davis"
Here's to all the unsung singers who
Valiantly dared with all
Their hearts but never found success'
Elusive wherewithal.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Netanyahu Didn’t Attend Mandela’s Funeral Because Of “The High Cost Of Travel”
Translation: "I disliked him so much
That anyone can easily deduce
How I didn't even try & come up with
A remotely believable excuse."
Obama Shook Hands With Raul Castro At Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service
Was this some rookie mistake? Nah, Barack's
Hardly a rookie --- let alone a newbie --- so
Let's assume that a presidential perk sometimes
Is doing stuff just to piss off Marco Rubio.
18 Los Angeles Sheriffs Arrested In Widespread Probe Of Corruption And Abuse
A source close to the investigation said this could result
In prison time for these alleged crooks
As well as at least one Denzel Washington feature film
And perhaps two James Ellroy books.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Ex-San Diego Mayor Sentenced To Three Months Home Confinement For Harassing Women
One would have to imagine this very sweet deal
Must have Bob Filner's full support
But his home objects and plans to take its case
All the way to the Supreme Court.
Ex-Mayor Bob Filner,
San Diego,
sexual harassment
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
He was sent away but he didn't go away ---
What demands more
Attention is how hard it is to imprison what
Someone stands for.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Santorum Says Fight Against Obamacare Is Like Battle Against Apartheid
Authorities in South Africa agreed:
They arrested Rick & decided to
Lock him up. Sources say his parole
Could come as early as 2042.
Frantic Attempts To Get Help During The 2012 Connecticut School Shooting Are Made Public
I look forward to looking back at this
Ghoulish practice having ceased:
What possible good is there in having
Sandy Hook's 911 calls released?
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Martin Bashir Loses TV Show Over Vulgar Comment About Sarah Palin
Years from now, Mr. Bashir will still recall how
His career at MSNBC went south
With this comment that at the end of the day left
A bad taste in everyone's mouth.
Rob Ford Allegedly Tried To Buy Back The Cell Phone He Left At A Crack House For Five Grand And A Car
It's appalling a mayor did crack in a crack house:
This is --- at best --- an untoward situation.
But was he trying to be fiscally frugal? Oh, yeah.
No wasteful spending here: go Ford Nation!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Post-Trayvon Martin, ALEC (The Group Behind “Stand Your Ground” Laws) Has Big Fundraising Problems
They've already lost McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Walmart, GE,
Kraft, Procter & Gamble and Amazon.
That's only a partial list, A cynic might say they're history
Like those ancient ruins of Babylon.
fundraising problems,
Stand Your Ground laws
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Why Did Top Madoff Associates Put Newly Fabricated Financial Documents In The Freezer?
So investigators wouldn't feel their warmth and
Know they just came from the printer
Which likely would've caused Bernie's empire
To prematurely collapse and splinter.
To appeal to corporate thieves, Xerox
Should introduce a new tool:
The copier not warm but cool.
Monday, December 2, 2013
McConnell Rips Tea Party For Damaging GOP Brand But Refuses To Actually Mention Them
Mitch is just trying to look like he can still manage
To hold down the fort
But is afraid to say their name like Hogwarts kids
Were with Voldemort.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
David Mamet Calls Obama A "Tyrant"
Translation: "I haven't had a hit in many years:
I'm bitter and old with prospects dim.
I'm so f***ing sad that my time has passed but
I feel a little better being mad at him."
Friday, November 29, 2013
Berlusconi Accused Of Paying Off Girls Who Attended His “Bunga Bunga” Sex Parties
I've got nothing at all to add to this headline ---
It's just that I will always sprint
At an opportunity to see the words "bunga bunga"
Have a chance to appear in print.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Something To Not Be Grateful For In 2013
A wall to wall
Mauling in the mall
Without any stopping ---
My main misgiving
Is that now Thanksgiving
Is "The Purge" with shopping.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
NSA Tracked Porn-Watching Activity To Use Against Muslims They Were Spying On
The X-rated films being viewed would appeal to
Any Jihadist or Sheikh ---
"Debbie Does Dubai," "Behind The Green Zone"
And "Arab Spring Break."
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Supreme Court Will Hear Religious Health Law Dispute: Key Case Involves Store That Didn’t Want To Sell Hanukah Products
The owner of Hobby Lobby is a good Christian but
It's not easy to try and ignore a
Stand that appears anti-Semitic. CEO David Green:
Would it kill you to sell a menorah?
(Mr. Green, one last thing. About your name. It's ... kinda
Jewish. Shouldn't you have arranged by now
To have done something about that? I'm totally fahklumpt
That you haven't already changed it by now.)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Murdoch Execs Now On Trial Had An Affair, Murdoch's Ex-wife Rumored To Have Had Fling With Tony Blair
How fitting that these three ruthless people whose daily lives
Were spent sweating over constant deadlines
About the rich and famous misbehaving would later wind up
As salacious fodder for tabloid headlines.
Andy Coulson,
Rebekah Brooks,
Rupert Murdoch,
Tony Blair,
Wendi Deng
Friday, November 22, 2013
Edwin Walker
This Major General had a colorful life:
Nowadays he'd be a Birther.
His ultra-conservative views then just
Made him a John Bircher.
His politics got Walker reassigned.
The next move for this reptilian
Guy was resigning so he could do
What he wanted as a civilian.
In '62 in news that was broadcast
All across the nation,
He organized Mississippi protests
Against integration.
But this isn't the only reason Walker's famous:
What happens still perplexes
On an April night about a year or so later when
Walker was living in Texas.
Long story short, someone took a shot
Which intended to be hitting
Walker, who at that moment was at a
Desk in his dining room sitting.
But he was lucky: the bullet grazed him
After smashing a window frame.
The gunman's aim eventually improved
And he gained a measure of fame
When seven months later --- let's call it
The month of November ---
He fired some other bullets in Dallas, the
Details of which you may remember.
Our world would have been far better served
In a way that would unequivocally matter
If Oswald's shooting had been more effective
In the former incident instead of the latter.
Fifty Years Since JFK's Assassination
Fox News, the internet and cable TV
Were not around back in 1963.
Those things for sure would have got him
Long before Lee Harvey Oswald shot him.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Substance-Abusing GOP Lawmaker Will Take Leave Of Absence For Treatment
Trey Radel is doing the right thing --- perhaps
Normalcy can be restored here.
Addiction is not an easy cross to bear. (Insert
Punch line about Rob Ford here.)
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
JP Morgan Will Pay $13 Billion In Landmark Settlement Over Risky Mortgage-backed Securities
Having wreaked world-wide havoc with their greed
I'm confused what the onus is
For guys like CEO Jamie Dimon who still has his job
And is still collecting bonuses.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Bizarre Behavior Leaves Him Stripped Of Most Powers
If he looks to reality TV and decides this is
Where he wants to be cashing in
On his current fame, he could easily become
A real threat to every Kardashian.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
German Man Found With Art Collection Nazis Stole From Jews Doesn't Want To Give Up Any Of It
By taking this position, Cornelius Gurlitt
Signals he’s ready for a brawl
Having had himself painted into a corner
By Picasso, Matisse & Chagall.


Friday, November 15, 2013
Emergency Powers In Case Of Natural Disaster Are Taken From Rob Ford, Given To Toronto’s Deputy Mayor
This is a good and necessary idea and they
Should've done it even faster:
In related news, isn't it fair to say that Ford
Is already a "natural disaster?"
China Makes Bold Move
Abolishing their labor camps? Ah, c'mon --- really?
What a girly man thing to do!
What's next, allowing some couples to have two kids?
(They're letting that happen, too.)
Thursday, November 14, 2013
While Alec Baldwin’s Stalker Spends Six Months In Jail, She Should Consider Lowering Her Sights
Genevieve Sabourin --- now that
You've been hauled in
To jail, I have two words for you:
Stephen Baldwin.
Mulling Over That Richard Cohen Piece In The Washington Post
A bitter man who's past his prime. Many folks
Can't believe he's still working ---
His latest bid for attention is nothing more than
A columnist's version of twerking.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
That Short Black & White Film Of Teri Garr Dancing On Hollywood Boulevard In 1966
The cars, buildings & passers-by are colorless & old.
She's young & exuberant in ways that are various
As her long hair floats through the air with abandon
In this accidental trailer for the Age of Aquarius.
Why The Obamacare Web Site Probably Not Working Right By November 30th (As Promised) Is Not Exactly A Surprise
They underestimated the time it would take to fix it
Like a friend who insists that they won't be long
Just fifteen minutes late for dinner because saying
It's more like forty-five minutes sounds so wrong.
Besieged Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Refuses To Leave, Signs “Robbie Bobbie” Bobbleheads At City Hall
A photo op like that, my God, what
You get a chance to see does
Remind you a Bobblehead has more
Credibility than he does.
Fallout From Racist Washington Post Column Being Felt Even At CNN
Readers have lashed out at Wolf Blitzer --- he was
Totally stunned, although in
All fairness the dismay from people is just because
He looks like Richard Cohen.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Now It Hits Me Why "60 Minutes" On-Air Discussion Of Their Controversial Benghazi Segment Was So Weird
Lara Logan's explanation was very carefully worded
Hiding any details embarrassing or gory:
It seems that far more effort was put into her apology
Than was spent investigating this story.
Promoting New Book, Sarah Palin Compares The Government Borrowing From Other Countries To … Slavery?
Her disconnect was more absurd than usual here
(In case any of you might have missed this)
Her nasty speech was promoting "Good Tidings &
Great Joy: Protecting The Heart Of Christmas."
Monday, November 11, 2013
Is It Really Necessary To Have Atheist "Mega-churches?"
The curious aspect
Of this belief
Is the orthodoxy
Of disbelief.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Fired "60 Minutes" Icon Hasn't Commented Yet On Show's Humiliating Benghazi Story
This scandal --- like Dan Rather's --- is bound to result
In changes of the program's staffing.
My guess is he hasn't weighed in yet simply because
He's been unable to stop laughing.
Tom Cruise Compares Acting Career To A Tour Of Duty In Afghanistan
Actual soldiers may disagree with this claim
And tell Cruise to shove it:
Another case of jumping the couch? Nah, it's
Paragliding high above it.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Rob Ford’s Mother Insists Her Son No Longer Drive But Also Claims He Has No Substance Abuse Issues
Let's not even begin to discus the mayor's
Massive problem with overeating
And hope someone soon can drive his mother
To the nearest Al-Anon meeting.
Guns & Ammo Editor Who Published Pro-Gun Control Editorial Is Fired
Jim Bequette’s credibility there?
He no longer had a shred. Start
The rumor that all the magazine
Finally gave him was a head start.
To Secessionist Leader, The Problem Is The "Urbanization" Of America
Has Colorado's Jeffrey Hare totally lost his mind?
Has he?
I bet he thinks the Unabomber's shack was way too
Many British Papers Covering The Murdoch Phone Hacking Trial End Their Stories By Saying, “The Trial Continues”
So proper, so English, so curious
That this is occurring:
Totally unnecessary and yet also
Strangely reassuring.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Second Substance-Impaired Tape Of Rob Ford Surfaces: He Threatens To Kill Someone
This is one ugly and nasty video
A fact that's clear pronto:
It's like a deranged Chris Farley
Is the mayor of Toronto.
“Guns & Ammo” Editor Apologizes To Outraged Readers Over Pro-Gun Control Editorial
Jim Bequette had guts to write that piece and for
That should be admired --- at
The present he’s far less worried about being fired
Than he is about being fired at.
Guns & Ammo,
pro-gun control editorial
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Six Of Eleven Colorado Counties Vote For Secession
I izz sew tiredd ov thee govrnmint telllin me wwhut too ddo.
Thhey kin all jus go rite too helll.
Furst theey wiill taik all our gunz aaand yeew no whats next?
Tellin uss hou to speek andd spel.
Republicans Kicking Themselves To Have Lost Virginia Governor’s Race That Clearly Was Winnable
Some top strategist still seething this morning
(Unshaven and hung over in his robe)
Pulled himself --- and his party --- together and
Started a fact-finding transvaginal probe.
Unconfirmed Source Says Christie Attended PTA Meeting After Winning Reelection
It claims his attire was informal there ---
A windbreaker and jeans and sneakers.
It wasn’t even at one of his kids’ schools:
He just wanted to yell at some teachers.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Toronto Mayor Comes Clean (Kind Of) About Drug Use
Sure, I care that Doug Ford’s admitted to smoking crack
And that to Canada he’s a one-man plague
But I’m just as bothered that he looks like a shop teacher
Who got kicked to the curb by Jenny Craig.
Rand Paul Wants To “Duel” Critics Who Call Him A Serial Plagiarist
Such prearranged fights with deadly weapons
Have a merit that is exemplary:However, of course, this only applies if you
Are living in the 15th century.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Says NSA Surveillance Has Gone Too Far
Mr. Schmidt, some of us feel the same way, too, but
Perhaps you never had one misgiving
About Google Earth posting many detailed pictures
Of the places we happen to be living.
I could elaborate, however, I have something else to do.
Full disclosure: I oughta warn ya
I'm off to Google Earth to check out that home you may
Still have in Atherton, California.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
1984's Infamous Subway Vigilante Arrested On Drug Charge
His long and winding journey? Let's
See what happened to Bernie Goetz.
Shooting punks left New York reeling, he'd
Now seem far happier simply dealing weed.
Classified Documents Reveal U.S. & U.K. War Games In 1983 Nearly Caused A Soviet Strike
The first headline about this in The Guardian sounded like
Working out was a lethal chore ---
It conveyed an altogether unintended meaning by saying,
"Exercise Nearly Led To Nuclear War."
Friday, November 1, 2013
Edward Snowden May Help Germany Investigate NSA Spying
Why would he decide to make this move right now?
I’d bet if you ran it by him
He’d admit because Germany is a much nicer place
Than Russia to seek asylum.
Tennessee Lawmakers Scheduled To Speak Before Secessionists With Hate Group Ties
My guess is if we look a little closer at some
Of these alleged offenders
We’ll find not only hate group ties but also
Belts as well as suspenders.
hate groups,
Tennessee lawmakers
Thursday, October 31, 2013
In New Book, Jon Huntsman Sr. Admits Telling Harry Reid That Romney Paid No Taxes For Ten Years
So, what we all need to do right now
Is quietly take a breath
And accept that life's only certainty
Would appear to be death.
Ex-Tabloid Editors On Trial For Phone Hacking In England Had A Secret Affair For Six Years
What a juicy story! It’s just the kind that Murdoch’s
Minions were always lurking for ---
They’ll have a field day with this. Hold on, I forgot:
It’s Murdoch they were working for.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Republicans Oppose Obamacare --- But They’re Angry That Computer Glitches Are Delaying Its Implementation?
Shouldn't all these screw-ups make them happy?
Why publicly put the onus
On HHS Secretary Selbelius? They instead should
Recommend she get a bonus.
This Isn't Music To The GOP's Ears
The Tea Party and traditional Republicans:
If some people had their druthers
Would break up permanently --- not unlike
The newly kaput Jonas Brothers.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Obama Scales Back Eavesdropping Of U.N. Headquarters
However, he’s still listening to all calls at Showtime ---
This is precisely how he spendsHis free time because he loves “Homeland” and wants
To find out how season three ends.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Rap Mogul On The Fence About Racial Profiling & Arrests Caused By Barneys
If you think you’re the one being “demonized” here, you’reCra-zy.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Second Black Shopper Arrested After Leaving Barneys And Being Wrongfully Charged With Credit Card Fraud
I predict a Barneys
exec will give lots of swag to an Oprah audience
And dutifully do
much bowing and scrapingBut cops will then detain every Black person who got a free gift when
They’re three blocks away from the taping.
The Perils Of Skimming Headlines: “McCain Shoos Man From Phoenix Town Hall”
I thought there was
a “t” after the “oo”
And imagined
something goryWhich, you have to admit, would be a
Very different kind of story.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Violin Played As Titanic Sank Sold For More Than $1.7 Million
Maybe it’s just me
but if I’m ever in an ensemble
That’s sinking fast,
trust me, that’llBe my cue to stop playing, jump overboard & use
My stringed instrument as a paddle.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
JP Morgan CEO Dimon Is Eager To Move Beyond $13 Billion Fine
Jamie, let me take a moment here to
Politely remind you
When you are the problem, you can’t
Put it behind you.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Why Senator Ted Cruz Spending So Much Time On House Issues Is Like A Weird Neighborhood Watch Meeting
This guy has crazy
ideas and warns any dissenters
That opposing him
will mean a bruising defeat.Someone finally gets a word in edgewise and then
Tells him, “You don’t even live on this street.”
In “60 Minutes” Interview, Dick Cheney Finally Gave Some TV-Loving Republicans A Reason To Hate Him
He kept secrets for
eight years as Dubya’s VP
But felt there wasn’t
any bad reasonTo reveal a major “Homeland” plot point that
Helped define its second season?
Friday, October 18, 2013
Weiner Insists He’d Be Mayor “If The Internet Didn’t Exist”
Anthony, I can understand your disappointment and
How much you’ve resented it.I suggest you send a below the waist selfie to Al Gore,
The guy who (duh) invented it.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Romney Gets Approval On Plans To Remodel His Home In La Jolla
The timing to do this couldn’t be better
Which means Mitt has no need to grouse: He’ll be tearing down his home just as
The Tea Party has torn down the House.
Republicans Are Better At Identifying A Problem Than Knowing What To Do About It
Shutting down the government to stop Obamacare?
Not a well-thought out plan of attack
It’s like being bombed here at home by the Saudis
And then deciding to invade Iraq.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Ted Cruz Hired As A Waiter At Tortilla Coast Where He Held His Secret Tea Party Meeting In The Basement
“Yeah, I know you ordered the inside out burrito… but unless
You reject Obamacare, I’m afraid I amUnable to serve you & your only sustenance will have to be my
Reading from ‘Green Eggs and Ham.’”
Coming Soon To Op-Ed Columns And Political Talk Shows Near You
So, who exactly is to blame the most?
I won’t linger anointing
Boehner or Cruz. Let’s just sit back &
Enjoy the finger pointing.
Possible Upside Of The Republicans Shutting Down The Government
Some terrorists may wind up throwing in the towel.
“What a mistake we’ve made! TheTea Party can hurt the U.S. much more than we can:
Maybe we can disband al Qaeda.”
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Rep. Rangel Compares Tea Party Republicans To Southerners Who Fought In The Civil War
Charlie, I know you’re trying to talk to tough but
You really have to do better. ItIs pretty clear that for the GOP it’s a compliment
To be called a “Confederate.”
Sign #1 It’s Not A Good Time To Attach Yourself To Ted Cruz’s Coattails
What single event best describes the current state
Of his debasement?
He met with House pals in a Tex-Mex restaurant
Down in the basement.
Lawmaker Detention, Anyone?
We tell our kids not to procrastinate
So that their future will be brighter
But here is our entire government
Shamelessly pulling an all-nighter.
Monday, October 14, 2013
GOP Congressmen Throw In The Towel Regarding The Shutdown
They decided to kick it to the other house
At the particular moment when itDawned on them they could now whine,
“We didn’t cave! Blame the Senate!”
Sunday, October 13, 2013
To Republicans Who Currently Doubt Any & All Polls
PeyserPoem for 10-13-13
Taking their lead from Ted Cruz, these folks would be wise
To not blindly ignore the specterThat like-minded pols who insisted Romney couldn’t lose
Now work in the private sector.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Reflecting On The Recent GOP Hissy Fit
Why does Boehner still feel that the shutdown
Was a worthy thing to try?
Perhaps because the weepy Speaker is so fond
Of having a really good cry.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Shutdown Update
for 10-10-13
The GOP assumed they'd
win and this would end
With glasses triumphantly
clinkingBut that odd noise you’re hearing across the nation
Is the sound of Republicans blinking.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Simplifying The Shutdown
PeyserPoem for 10-8-13
The Republicans broke in the White House, trashed it
And are proud of this unseemly assault.
However, they're all willing to step up and admit that
This entire mess is the Democrats fault.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Starbucks Says Guns Are "Unwelcome" But Not "Banned"
So declares its CEO Howard Schultz.
This really pulls my
Chain in how it so masterfully hits the
Indecision bull's-eye.
Monday, September 16, 2013
News Headline: "9/11 Anniversary To Be Marked With Somber Tributes"
Somber? Who knew? Great journalism, guys!
That's such insightful working.
I assumed Andrew Dice Clay would be booked
And Miley would be twerking.
Sheldon Adelson Would Be Willing To Help With Syria Predicament
What a welcome, generous offer! To this discussion
I'm sure he has a lot to bring, which
Would assist all parties concerned with this crisis ---
I do hope he calls President Gingrich.
Friday, July 26, 2013
The Private Parts Of Public Figures
I’ve seen Anne Hathaway’s lady bits and
Britney Spears’ too and yet
Both of these glimpses that showed up
For millions on the internet
Were photos exiting from cars on nights
Out that seemed glamorous ---
They weren’t intentionally sharing them
To be either risqué or amorous.
So, Mr. Weiner, who soon won’t be a
Mayoral candidate, I suggest
The next time you’re compelled to send
(Yet another) x-rated sext
Do it with a little style --- perhaps you can
Find a smart-looking speedo.
If not, please accessorize your johnson with
A tiny bow tie and tuxedo.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Followers Turn On Leah Rimini After Her Departure From Scientology
Members of any real house of worship
Would be sorry, too,
But all that people there would say is,
“We’ll pray for you.”
The response to Rimini from Scientologists
(To any child or adult)
Is so rabid that it once and forever proves
It really is a cult,
A cult that panics when someone leaves
And inspires a buffet of fears
Especially someone like Rimini who had
Been a member for 28 years.
Its clannish, clam-worshipping followers
All seem so twisted and bent:
Let’s leave the likes of Kirstie Alley to the
Shelley Winters of her discontent.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Why George Zimmerman's Defense Team Should Rot In Hell
Trayvon Martin left this world
With a terrifying scream
The worst that any of us could
Imagine in a bad dream.
This aural evidence alone was
So gripping and so grim
They had to argue, "You know,
That was George. Not him."
The dying cry that unlucky Trayvon
Agonizingly emitted
Became a defense ploy that helped
Get their client acquitted.
How low can lawyers go? Let
That show
When push comes to shove,
That low.
Whenever Zimmerman's defense team
Arrives at heaven's gate
I hope St. Peter says just for a moment
They'll have to wait.
He'll study their resumes and then blurt out,
"What was that crap for?"
Referring to lying about Trayvon's scream
As he opens the trap door.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Why NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Has Nowhere To Go
PeysersPoem for 7-3-13
by Kathy & Tony Peyser
When we applied to colleges, we were
Mindful of a crucial rule:
Pick one place we knew we'd get into
To be our "safety school."
Snowden’s currently up in the air & can’t
Claim any suitable location:
It’s his own damn fault that he neglected
To select a “safety nation.”
by Kathy & Tony Peyser
When we applied to colleges, we were
Mindful of a crucial rule:
Pick one place we knew we'd get into
To be our "safety school."
Snowden’s currently up in the air & can’t
Claim any suitable location:
It’s his own damn fault that he neglected
To select a “safety nation.”
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Santorum Named CEO Of Christian Film Studio
Current projects that he now has in development include
A large number of things ---
“It’s A Wonderful Afterlife,” “All About Adam and Eve”
And “The Lion King Of Kings.”
One additional film in the pipeline Santorum hopes
Paul Newman fans will adore
Is based on a popular motion picture from 1967 ---
“Cool Hand Luke 1:1-4.”
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Supreme Court Justices Overturn Civil Rights Legislation
This court doesn't lean to the left, so it's no big
Surprise they didn’t deliver the right goods:
Is it me or do their black robes all of a sudden
Now seem a whole lot more like white hoods?
Thursday, June 20, 2013
T. & Sympathy
I once asked a casting director a question
She couldn’t ignore:
“Is there is a certain type of actor you’re
Always looking for?”
Geri Windsor smiled sweetly --- as if it were
Somewhat absurd of
Me not to know: “A great one around forty
Who no one’s heard of.”
That elusive commodity is still sought after now and
It wasn’t luck but Fate
That 37-year-old James Gandolfini met David Chase
Back in 1998.
Off they went & we all hopped in the back seat of
“The Sopranos” car. Is
It not true that Gandolfini became a star but also
Redefined what a star is?
I had looked forward to his future acting career & hoped
That Gandolfini would eventually play
Roles by lugs like Paul Douglas and Broderick Crawford
In “Clash By Night” & “Born Yesterday.”
But what might've been isn’t what’s important right now ---
What was the hand we’ve been dealt?
Seeing one of our greatest actors in one of the greatest roles
Who made us feel things we’d never felt.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Attention: GOP Politicians Whose Boys Made Anti-Gay, Anti-Semitic & Anti-Black Tweets
Listen up: there’s
No need, guys,
For any of you
To apologize.
This is simply who you are: do I have
To get out charts? Is
It not clear you’re not down with gays
Jews and schvartses?
These are your family values, along with
Hating women and loving guns ---
Is there any surprise at all these views are
Now being expressed by your sons?
Those groups will never vote Republican, so
Embrace these beliefs that form
The basis of just who are as well as your next
Presidential election platform.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
What Does The Average Guy Think Of NSA Leaker Edward Snowden?
“Traitor? Hell, no! He’s an American hero!”
Will be their sole answer ---
Not for what he did in his job but because
His girlfriend’s a pole dancer.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Details Of Previous Incident With Santa Monica Shooter Aren’t Released --- He Was A Juvenile At The Time
OK, I get it ... but when you kill five people
This kind of legal restraint
Suddenly seems to me --- I dunno --- more
Than just a little bit quaint.
This kind of legal restraint
Suddenly seems to me --- I dunno --- more
Than just a little bit quaint.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
New Study On Los Angeles' Most & Least Successful
The haves have yachts
The haves have lots.
The have-nots' stomachs
Have lots of knots.
least sucessful,
Los Angeles,
most sucessful,
New study
Republicans Bring Steven Seagal To Russia To Help Boston Bombing Inquiry
If he meets any questionable Chechens, he
Doesn't have to spit on them:
He can go into take care of business mode
And aggressively sit on them
He can go into take care of business mode
And aggressively sit on them
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Michele Bachmann Won’t Seek Reelection
Campaign-related ethics charges are pending but
The thing that’s undeniably most odd
Is she could face jail time for the creepy way she
Used to whisper, “Je-hooo-vahh God.”
Sunday, May 26, 2013
To The Cowardly Terrorists Who Murdered That British Soldier In London
You hit him with your car, then used sharp knives.
Each of you is such a fraud ---
Afraid to fight fair, you hid behind your vehicle as
You also hide behind your god.
Boasting into that stranger’s cell phone, one of you
Looked both bloody & sweaty
Utterly clueless of the damage to your religion that
You just did with your machete.
Truth be told, I don’t know much about any religion.
However, the thing that doesn’t fly I’ve
Concluded is after hearing of that soldier’s killing
That Allah wanted to give a high-five.
Monday, May 6, 2013
A Thought About That Video Of Witherspoon’s DUI-Related Arrest
When Reese says, “Do you know
My name?” (which I love a lot)
She’s indignant. It’s not because
She’s so drunk that she forgot.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Attention All High School Students In Chechnya Who Don’t Hate America
You planned to come here for college:
You studied hard, didn’t get loaded.
Well, you need right now go to Plan B
Because your Plan A just exploded.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Mark Thatcher
Mark --- who was so often regarded
As a bit of a ninny ---
With others in 2004 tried to overthrow
Equatorial New Guinea .
This particular country was picked
If memory serves
Not for beauty but because of vast
Oil & gas reserves.
He paid a pretty enormous fine and then
Avoided jail.
(Having lots of money comes in handy
If coups fail.)
Having connections is also essential whenever
Attempting something sinister.
If you haven’t guessed, his mummy once was
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Rutgers Fires Basketball Coach Mike Rice After Viral Video Reveals Bullying & Abusive Slurs
The besieged Rice has expressed belated
Contrition as he swiftly switches
Gears to spend more time with his family:
I bet he calls them “sissy bitches.”
Rage like this is toxic and in its own
Special way kind of obscene:
It’s also tough to be a badass when
You look like Mister Bean.
Contrition as he swiftly switches
Gears to spend more time with his family:
I bet he calls them “sissy bitches.”
Rage like this is toxic and in its own
Special way kind of obscene:
It’s also tough to be a badass when
You look like Mister Bean.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Parking Up The Wrong Tree
April is National Poetry Month and Autism Awareness Month.
Since I’m a poet, have a son with autism and also know how to
multi-task, I always write a poem to celebrate both topics.
It’s upscale and not at all sleazy
That offers a trifecta of pleasure: Peet’s,
Einstein Bros. and Fresh & Easy.
Before we got out for a snack, I thought:
My son Jeremy & I now are
Just a couple of guys out in the world
Casually relaxing in our car.
Jeremy gave me a fist bump & I recalled
Time that I spent with my Dad.
He didn’t notice what happened next ---
He was too absorbed in his iPad.
A well-to-do mom with several little ones
Sped up in her SUV
Sighed like a bad community theater actor
And then glared at me.
“You know,” she hissed through her open window
Pointing at my grown-up son,
“That spot is only supposed to be used by people
With children who are young.”
I did know this because there was a sign
Maybe ten feet from my face
Explaining the special people entitled to
Park in this particular place.
I told her, “My son’s autistic.” This fact
Sliced into her complaint like a knife.
“So, he’s pretty much going to be a child
For pretty much the rest of his life.
That’s the reason I’m parking here. I hope
I’m clearly explaining my view.”
Simultaneously shocked and also stunned
She now didn’t know what to do.
She began mumbling some kind of response.
I let this go on for a few
Moments, smiled and then asked her politely,
“Is this okay with you?”
Now more humiliated, she said sure it was.
Aware how badly she’d blundered
She then raced off faster than a car trying to
Finish the last lap at the Indy 500.
I’m sure our chat made an impact on her like
Being pelted by a fistful of rocks
And she realized how truly lucky she was for
At least two or maybe three blocks.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Justice Scalia Wonders If Same-Sex Parents Are Harmful To Children
His daughter, Ann, was booked for child endangerment
In 2007 --- my, my, my.
The other charge that came up during that traffic incident
Was, if memory serves, a DUI.
You really do have to think about how she was raised ---
Being a fair guy, this usually forbids
Leaping to conclusions but maybe different-sex parents like
Antonin & Ann aren’t good for kids.
The other charge that came up during that traffic incident
Was, if memory serves, a DUI.
You really do have to think about how she was raised ---
Being a fair guy, this usually forbids
Leaping to conclusions but maybe different-sex parents like
Antonin & Ann aren’t good for kids.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Four Hikers Fall In Eaton Canyon, One Dies
I’m so sick of reading headlines like that one
That I’m willing to be the front man
To suggest the bottoms of the waterfalls there
Need air bags as used by a stunt man.
If those were installed, when someone stumbles
And then rapidly plummets earthward, a call
To paramedics could probably be avoided since
Something would be there to break their fall.
Some of you may scoff at this notion and perhaps
Have already begun derisive smirking
But, seriously, is this idea any worse than what’s
In play now that’s clearly not working?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Our Planet Is 80 Million Years Older Than Previously Believed
Things have gone so Hollywood:
Yes, we’ve reached the stage
Where even Mother Earth has
Been lying about her age.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
In Bill O’Reilly’s Divorce, He’s Strong-arming Church To Claim Marriage Never Happened
If he’s able to do this, the fallout
He can’t avoid
Is having to rename his children
Null and Void.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Singer Michelle Shocked Shocks Fans With Onstage Anti-Gay Rant
Many clubs who’d booked her now
Insist she’ll never be back ---
Her only new gig will be appearing
This time next year at CPAC.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Vatican Big Shots Who Call The Shots
How do all of those pedophile
Priests label them?
Cardinals are the guys who’ll
Cardinals are the guys who’ll
Always enable them.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Putting Old Pictures Into The Favorite Things You’ve Read
This form of safe-keeping
Creates a curious amalgam
That transforms any book
Into a photo album.
But this 20th century habit
Has begun to dwindle
As more people turn to
e-readers like Kindle.
Yet the makers all of
These digital devices
May eventually realize
Precisely how nice is
This habit and find ways
This habit and find ways
For snapshots you took
To be inserted into your
Kobo Glo or Nook.
Monday, March 11, 2013
One Of The Seven Delhi Gang Rape & Murder Suspects Kills Himself In Jail
This was the right thing to do.
Now it’s one down and six to
North Korea Declares 1953 Armistice Invalid, Threatens To Bomb U.S.
It’s uneasy to see such
Hostility showing.
All I can say is: Dennis
Rodman, nice going.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Bieber Screams "I'll Beat The F**ck Out Of You!" At Photographer
He’s tiny, super cute and when
The paparazzi en masse are sicced
On Justin, you can bet he will get
His Canadian asterisk kicked.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Hugo Chavez Is Dead
If Sean Penn attends the funeral, right wingers
Will feel this is unholy.
I’m hoping he goes but only if he decides to
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Sign That Emeritus Pope Benedict Wants To Start Dating
I saw a photo of him & knew that ring
He wanted to toss his hat in:
His email was on his mitre along with
“Call me maybe” in Latin.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Postcards From Victory Park (Vol. 3)
From under ten to nearly twenty, they’re lured
By some sports-loving siren:
Year-round here it seems that baseball is being
Played on every diamond.
As my son and I walk by them on a daily basis
I wouldn’t call it coincidental
That the coaches are drilling into their players
Every kind of fundamental.
“Infielders! Don’t let ground balls get past you!
That can cost you a game!
Outfielders! Make sure you catch it before you
Throw it! Work on your aim!”
The kids have done the drills dozens of times and
Some seem a bit upset --- it
Is like they want to tell their coaches, “We know
This stuff & won’t forget it.”
On one field on the following Saturday afternoon
We couldn’t help quickly becoming aware
A real game was being played and we learned why
Coaches are going gray or losing their hair.
It was impossible for anyone watching to ignore
What had just occurred ---
An awful throw to first was followed by an even
More wretched one to third.
This made one coach apoplectic. He jumped up and down
And was loudly squawking about.
When Casey Stengel said, “Can’t anybody play this game?”
This is what he was talking about.
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