Monday, September 18, 2017

Stanislav Petrov (1939-2017)

He was a Russian duty officer who one
Day in 1983 happened to enter
Into history for what he did at an early
Warning system command center.

Petrov received a shocking report with the
Potential to alter all our fates:
A handful of missiles had been launched at
Russia from the United States.

His response to this alert was one that
Could’ve brought him glory:
Launch a nuclear attack that was swift
Fierce and retaliatory.

To be absolutely clear here, Petrov
Could see right before his eyes
Global war against not only the U.S.
But also its Western allies.

The world kept on spinning on its axis and
Humanity suffered no harm
Because he sensed something wasn’t right
And felt it was a false alarm.

He figured if the United States wanted
To not see any Russians alive
They would have sent many hundreds
Of its missiles, not merely five.

Petrov (a Red) put it all, if you will, on red
And was right at this junction:
It turned out their satellite warning system
Had a serious malfunction.

If faced with a crisis, be calm like Petrov ---
Is your enemy attacking or bluffing
Or perhaps making a mistake? Sometimes,
The best thing to do is … nothing.


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